There are many ways of ensuring that pregnant woman and her baby are obtaining the nutrients they both need. There are a variety of foods that women can eat during their pregnancy period. However, pregnant women need not like or consume them all. They should pick and select their favorites to give their pregnancy a nutritional boost.
The following are the 10 best foods for pregnancy:
1. Eggs
An egg contains more than twelve vitamins as well as minerals. Eggs also contain plenty of quality protein that is important for pregnancy. Infant cells usually grow at an exponential rate. Moreover, every body cell is made of protein. In addition, the pregnant woman has her own protein requirements.
Eggs are also said to be rich in choline that promote the baby’s entire growth as well as brain health, while preventing neural tube defects. Other eggs also have omega-3 fats, significant for both vision and brain development.
However, eggs are rich in cholesterol though they’re moderately low in saturated fat, which is approximately one or one and a half grams in each egg.
Healthy women who have normal blood cholesterol may consume one or two eggs a day being part of a healthy diet.
2. Salmon
Salmon contains high-quality protein and it is also an extremely excellent source of omega-3 fats. And unlike swordfish, tile fish, shark and king mackerel, salmon has low level of methyl mercury. This is a compound which may be detrimental to the infant’s developing nervous system.
The 100 Healthiest Foods to Eat During Pregnancy: The Surprising Unbiased Truth about Foods You Should be Eating During Pregnancy but Probably Aren’tHowever, pregnant women should avoid eating more than 12 ounces in every week to avoid consuming too much mercury.
3. Beans
Beans are foods with the most fiber as well as protein in all the vegetables. Fiber is important to a pregnant woman in the nine-month wait. During pregnancy, the pregnant woman’s gastrointestinal tract slows down, that put one at risk for hemorrhoids and constipation. Fiber may also help prevent as well as relieve these problems.
Moreover, foods that have fiber are nutrient-rich. This is definitely true of beans that are good sources of calcium, zinc and iron.
4. Sweet potatoes
They are foods that are great source of fiber vitamin C. They’re inexpensive as well as versatile. Sweet potatoes obtain orange color from carotenoids. These are plant pigments which are converted in our bodies to vitamin A.
Although consuming a lot of “preformed” vitamin A can be risky, carotenoids are different. They’re turned to vitamin A only when needed.
5. Popcorn as well as other whole grains
Popcorn is a whole grain food. Whole grains are significant in pregnancy since they’re rich in fiber as well as nutrients, including selenium, vitamin E. These are plant compounds which protect cells.
6. Walnuts
Walnuts are among the richest sources of plant-based omega-3s. Omega-3 is important for baby’s brain growth.
7. Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt is a favorite pregnancy food since it has two times the protein of standard yogurt. Any type of yogurt is a rich source of calcium that is very important in a pregnancy diet. If a pregnant woman doesn’t take in sufficient calcium, the inadequate amount one have usually go to the infant depleting the calcium in the pregnant woman’s bones and teeth.
Calcium helps keep pregnant woman’s bones intact while still laying down a strong skeleton for her baby.
8. Dark green and leafy vegetables
Spinach, Swiss chard, kale as well as other green leafy vegetables are usually loaded with vitamins as well as nutrients, together with vitamins A, C, and K, and the all-important foliate. Dark green and leafy vegetables also promote eye health.
9. Lean meats
Meats are exceptional source of high-quality body building nutrients. Lean meets have fat trimmed off. Beef as well as pork stand out among meats to be good since in addition to protein, they have chlorine.
10. Colorful fruits as well as veggies
Eating variety of orange, green, red, purple, yellow and white fruits as well as vegetables may ensure that the pregnant woman and the baby obtain a variety of nutrients. Every color group provides diverse vitamins, minerals, as well as antioxidants.
Another advantage of consuming across the fruit as well as veggie spectrum during the later stages of pregnancy is that the baby usually ‘tastes’ the foods one consumes through the amniotic fluid. Thus, if a pregnant woman exposes her baby to a variety of nutritious fruits as well as vegetables in the womb, they may increase the possibility that their baby may recognize and accept the flavors later on.